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Carrying out an event survey is a fantastic way to measure which event strategies guarantee success and stakeholder satisfaction. Perhaps you aim to enhance attendees’ experience, put together a winning pitch to draw in event sponsors, or want to take your virtual event experience to the next level. Event surveys allow organizers to understand the impact the event made on attendees.

You can collect an assessment from a virtual audience using a number of methods. But it can be a challenge to gather feedback using a post event survey, even if the event was a success. The data gathered during this chapter in virtual event planning can help you turn the occasion into a triumph.

Knowing what to ask can be a challenge, so we have narrowed it down to 15 efficient virtual event survey questions for you to pose at virtual events.

Why Would You Conduct a Follow-Up Survey?

Make sure you’ve determined the reasons for a follow-up survey before compiling one. Your objectives should be to boost the quality of your events and increase the return on investment (ROI) of future events. Some of the information you can gather includes:

Quantitative attendee experience data

As an example, let’s say your event featured games and giveaways in which many of the event attendees took part in both activities. Your concept was aimed at the right audience.

Qualitative attendee experience data

Let’s assume that a specific webinar didn’t draw the number of attendees required to be considered a success. It is then determined that the event was hosted at an unsuitable time.

15 Must-Ask Virtual Event Survey Questions

Overall, how would you rate the event?

Get things rolling with a simple multiple-choice question. Using a scale of 1 to 10 to rate the event, attendees can give you a comprehensive idea of the event, whether excellent or poor.

If you’re looking for specific feedback, then adding an open-text area for attendees to post additional comments is an effective tool.

How did you hear about this event?

By getting attendees to tell you where they first heard about the virtual event, you can analyze which marketing channels are successfully promoting your event and which aren’t performing as well.

Is this the first time you are attending one of our events?

You can ask this question at virtual or hybrid events to see how many of the attendees are first-timers and which are return participants. Clearly, this question is irrelevant if you’re hosting your first event.

Why did you decide to attend the event?

This is a pre-event survey question that helps you work out schedule adjustments and how you can highlight the most sought-after activities during the event. Cater for the audience’s needs and wants and let them know your focus is on their experience.

What experiences or moments did you like best during the event?

Post-event surveys featuring this question help event organizers identify the most satisfying aspects of the event. You can prioritize these successful aspects and repeat them at future virtual events and conferences. It’s also a fantastic way to find out what virtual and in-person attendees think about your live sessions, event speakers, and discussion topics.

Was there any event information that was difficult to find?

This straightforward ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question will bring out how capable you are at communicating vital information. Provide an open field box for attendees who reply with a ‘yes’ so you can know which specific information was difficult to locate in your virtual event platform.

How did you like the speaking session/s?

The greater part of your budget will be for your speaking sessions, so feedback from attendees is essential in determining which areas need improvement. A good follow-up question could be “What did you enjoy/not enjoy about the speaking sessions?”

Did the event meet your expectations?

Once you’ve asked virtual attendees about their goals, you need to find out if those goals were indeed achieved . Such post-virtual event survey questions will draw your attention to any areas that need improvement. For example, if your attendees had the goal of networking with others in their industry, but most weren’t able to do so, then you need to hit the drawing board again.

How satisfied were you with the virtual networking opportunities available during this event?

Networking is a vital feature at virtual and in-person events. However, online events have made networking a little more difficult than usual. Post-event survey questions, like this one, ensure you get results for your attendees. Include a text box and an NPS rating for the audience to better express their thoughts on your event experience.

To navigate these challenges effectively, consider these networking tips for small business owners to make the most out of your virtual gatherings and in-person meetups.

How easily were you able to navigate the event?

Your audience should be engrossed in your event and the information they’re looking to learn should be available in a format that is easy to use. Unfortunately, you cannot depend on the intimacy that ordinary in-person events have to offer, so ensure that your virtual platform provides user-friendly navigation options.

How easily were you able to ask questions and get answers?

Asking the above question gives you the opportunity to analyze just how effective your Q & A sessions are. Attendees should be able to get the answers they need by having the opportunity to ask practical questions.

If you used tech support, how would you rate your experience?

Your attendees could run into an array of problems. Whether they had trouble logging on or audio glitches, they’re going to need to contact event tech support. The manner in which the issue is dealt with can leave either a bad or good impression of the event. So, if you want to know how good your tech support system is, make good use of functions such as live chats, emails or a robust knowledge base.

How did you feel about the duration of the content? There’s no doubt—digital life has shortened our attention span. Add to this the fact that most virtual event attendees are at home, with a deluge of distractions. The length of your event matters. You need to know whether your event is long enough for hybrid event attendees to get what they came for or if there’s room for improvement.

Which virtual platform features were your favorite?

Event planners understand that online event success depends on a strong and functional virtual conference platform. Post virtual event surveys highlighting this question allow attendees to tell you which specific features were both practical and entertaining. Your team can then consider incorporating technology at the next event.

What was your main priority when attending this event? Were you able to carry it out within the virtual platform?

Find out what your target audience was looking to accomplish and if your event helped them do so. Getting the answer to this question will help you in any upcoming event planning. You can also improve future virtual events by finding out what exactly is drawing your target audience to these events.

What topics would you like to see featured in future events?

Answers to that question are an asset when you need to come up with topics for the next virtual event: ongoing education, certificate and compliance workshops, networking possibilities, keynote speakers, and other event professionals, along with games.

How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague?

The above NPS question actually gets you two answers: first, whether or not your attendee satisfaction was excellent enough for them to invite someone else and second, whether or not this attendee will participate in any upcoming events.

How was your experience with our virtual sponsors and exhibitors?

By means of a virtual booth, sponsors and exhibitors can engage with attendees, present a summary of products and services, and deliver screen share presentations via virtual exhibit halls. Find out what attendees appreciated at the event and what could be improved.

How likely are you to attend any future events from us?

This post-event question is often asked so you are able to see how many people will keep attending any planned future events.

What topics would you like to see more at our next event?

At times, an open-ended question like this gives attendees the opportunity to share ideas and outlooks you wouldn’t have considered before. This information can be used to create exciting concepts from which to launch your next event.

What, if anything, did you dislike about this event?

Sometimes the toughest question to ask is the answer we need to help us improve future events. An event can encounter a few issues, so it’s crucial to get some feedback.

Create an open form field in which attendees can express their thoughts, suggestions, and critique. This is also another way to measure attendee satisfaction.

Is there anything else you would like us to know?

This open-ended question gives attendees the chance to provide more personal and specific constructive feedback, which other questions in your survey may have missed. You might not cover everything in your survey, so make sure to post this question.

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Effective Virtual Event Survey Questions Get Results

Virtual events have an advantage over in-person events—they obtain top-notch data regarding attendee engagement and how to refine upcoming events for maximum results or return on investment.

Push notifications can be used to remind virtual attendees to fill out survey questions. The registration process is simplified through an event app tool and event organizers can engage with people through various social media platforms. By means of post-virtual event online surveys, questions such as “Did this event meet your expectations?” can give you the answers to help take your event planning skills to the next level.

Virtual event survey questions are a fantastic resource for any event planner considering the strengths and weaknesses of an event from the planning stage to launching and hosting the event. You can use a tool like Jotform Survey Maker to carry out your event survey. The answers create a foundation that turns future virtual events into a resounding success.

If you enjoyed reading this article about virtual event survey questions you should ask, you should check out this one with event WordPress themes.

We also wrote about similar topics like adding a virtual events calendar to your site, virtual event ideas, virtual event best practices, virtual events checklist, and the types of virtual events you can organize.

Every year you get the chance to attend one or more IT and tech conferences from a variety of fantastic options. These tech events put you in touch with some of the best industry professionals, plus the opportunity to boost your career through networking. And you get a preview of all the up-to-the-minute technologies.

You may have missed out on in-person tech events during 2020 and 2021, but it seems like things are looking better for 2022 and 2023. With literally hundreds of events to choose from, you might be wondering, “Where do I even start?”

We’ve gone ahead and composed an extensive list of the most noteworthy tech conferences taking place in 2022.

Mobile World Congress

27th February – 2nd March 2023

Barcelona, Spain

This event will take place in Barcelona, Spain, between February 27th and March 2nd, 2023. MWC focuses on many aspects revolving around digital transformation. For example, you’ll find panels covering topics like robotics and blockchain.

Other focal points include commerce and the connectivity ecosystem. As for hosts, this outing will see the likes of the Orange Group and Lockheed Martin’s CEOs. Other high-profile speakers will come from the Ericsson Group and TelefĂłnica. Hence, you’ll find plenty of applicable data under one roof.


21st – 23rd March 2023

Europa-Park, Germany

This event will commence between the 21st – 23rd of March 2023 in Europa Park, Germany. The facility used to be a theme park, but the conference will cover the Resilient Cloud tech. In essence, the topics will hone in on the task of maintaining a business.

Aside from that, each day will bring new topics related to cyber security and supply chains. The three-day event will promote the latest trends and hand the mic over to various decision-makers. For example, figures like E. Snowden and Buzz Aldrin contributed to Cloudfest in the past.

Deep Learning Summit

Varies (See schedule for details)


This is a virtual event with an alternating schedule. As for content, it offers breakout sessions on the future of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Year after year, it introduces new concepts to the next generation.

Other topics will include societal issues and the task of developing a new business model. Many STEM professionals attend this online event to witness some inspiring talks.

South Summit

7th-9th June 2023

Madrid, Spain

This conference is a candidate for the most influential tech event in the world. It will take place in Spain’s capital from the 7th to the 9th of June, 2o23. The event focuses on sustainable business practices and innovations. The speakers come from various commercial fields and backgrounds, comprising a diverse lineup.

The next iteration will explore the concept of “The Year 2030”. Thus, thought leaders will present their methods of reaching a net-zero economy soon. Hence, any aspiring hub innovators can access relevant case studies during the event.

London Tech Week

12th-16th June 2023

London, UK

UK’s fashion center will host the event from the 12th to the 16th of June, 2023. As for this year’s outing, it will be the tenth in a row! During that week, attendees can meet with the worlds leading developers and researchers.

The upcoming conference will showcase an IoT future model and transformative businesses. The technology event is also chock full of broader terms regarding society. Also, many tech industry titans have promoted London’s Tech Week in the past decade. The list is long and not limited to names like Microsoft UK and Amazon.

Viva Technology

14th-17th June 2023

Paris, France

Perhaps the biggest tech even in the old continent, Viva Technology, takes place in Paris. The upcoming conference will last for three days between the 14th and 17th of June, 2023. As for numbers, the event garnered almost 300,000 visitors in 2022!

This hybrid event focuses on many hot topics regarding commerce and marketing. The speakers come from high-profile brands like LinkedIn and Ethereum. Aside from them, there’ll be a slew of influential figures and investors. As a result, entrepreneurs can use that chance to pitch their ideas and earn more time in the spotlight.

Dublin Tech Summit

15th-16th June 2023

Dublin, Ireland

Ireland’s most important B2B conference will start on 15.06.2023. and last for two days. During that timeframe, over 8,000 visitors and 200 hosts will group up in Dublin. Over the years, this event managed to attract C-suite executives from all corners of the world.

The event aims to build relationships between far-away investors and decision-makers. At the same time, DTS serves as a reliable source of higher education for newcomers. Hence, you can easily find out practical shortcuts for scaling or chat with your idols at this event.


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

6-9 February 2023

This digital marketing-oriented conference will take place in Riyadh from the 6th-9th of February 2023. Over 700 global brands will exhibit alongside over 500 CEOs. To provide more context, experienced speakers will take over the stage.

As such, this is one of the best tech conferences where you can quickly learn how to boost your ratings. Due to the number of participants, it offers useful insights into the global commercial land space.

The Next Web Conference

15th-16th June 2023

Amsterdam, Netherlands

This is one of the most popular tech conferences outside of San Francisco. Taking place in Amsterdam, you can attend the event on the 15th and 16th of June, 2023. Focusing on high-performance computing, brands like Meta and Google follow the conference closely.

“The next in tech, now” is the motto of the upcoming summit. The timeline comprises multiple workshops and seminars that anyone can learn from. As such, it is an opportunity to meet delegates and establish communication with many of your peers.

Turing Fest 2023

28th – 29th June 2023

Edinburgh, Scotland

Turing Fest 2023 will focus on data analytics and many related subjects. From the 28th to the 29th of June, you can find much about brand awareness there. The trade shows will cover everything from envisioning a product all the way to customer experience.

As for speakers, attendees will be able to learn directly from leading experts. The roster includes names like Depop, Financial Times, and Tier Mobility. That means this year’s event should be on your list of tech conferences to reserve a spot for.


1st – 5th September 2023

Berlin, Germany

This titan of an event focuses on home electronics and consumer satisfaction. Berlin will host the four-day event starting from the 1st of September, 2023. Every year, over 5,000 outlets gather around IFA to bring you the latest on world tech.

The focal points cover everything from home entertainment to mobile equipment. Plus, the event takes palce nearby the Forst Grunewald national park. As a result, attendees can take a step outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery at any point.

Africa Automation Technology Fair

9-11 of May 2023

Johannesburg, South Africa

This is one of Africa’s biggest tech conferences. Though it focuses on ever-changing topics, it allows any new product proper spotlight time. From the 9th to the 11th of May, 2023, visitors can refresh their knowledge of how fast this industry evolves. To do so, they can inspect a high number of upcoming products and automation services.

AI & Big Data Expo

26th – 27th September 2023

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Netherlands’ most famous city will host this AI-oriented event on the 26th-27th of September. The lineup comprises IT developers of many guilds, CTOs, telecom bpo services and telecom providers. All of that sums up to a conference filled with case studies and shared know-how.

Such an agenda is great news for any startups looking to implement machine learning. Spicing up their daily operation in that manner is an excellent method to stay up to date. Currently, this is one of the leading tech conferences to learn more on that front.

Consumer Technology Association (CES)

January 5–8, 2023

Hybrid (Las Vegas, NV)

This hybrid event will span from the 5th to the 8th of January, 2023. Due to its nature, it allows visitors to fully tailor their experience. For example, they can opt for virtual presentions and close-up sessions.

Over the years, CES earned the tag of “the stage for innovation.” As such, it’s both a competitive space and a stage for new ideas. Also, there’s an underlying conference aspect where leaders can organize and derive a solution.

CES attracts manufacturers, hardware developers, and even suppliers. That easily puts this virtual event on any tech entrepreneur’s radar.

Web Summit

13th – 16th November 2023

Lisbon, Portugal

Libon will host this event from the 13th to the 16th of November, 2023. This is one of Europe’s most lauded tech conferences. In fact, popular outlets describe it as a “grand conclave of the tech industry’s high priests.” Every event sets the stage for prolific innovators and tech giants from all over the globe.

The conference reserves spots for heavy hitters like Microsoft, Apple, and Spotify. As for the number of visits, it will climb to more than 70,000. That includes both individuals and various SaaS companies. Once there, they will have front-row seats to the most groundbreaking IT services available.

European Big Data Value Forum 2022

November 24-26

Prague, Czech Republic

This event aims to round up business developers, industry experts, policymakers and researchers throughout Europe to offer their practical insights. The objective? To make headway with policy initiatives, as well as industrial and research operations specific to data and AI.

Big Data Conference Europe 2022

November 24-26


A two-day conference that tackles the areas of High Load, Data Science, Big Data, Machine Learning, and AI with a series of technical talks. Attendees can look forward to hearing the speakers discuss their experiences, what makes for best practices and how they successfully dealt with unique challenges by relating real-life scenarios.

AWS re:Invent

November 28 – December 2

Las Vegas, NV; USA

This Amazon Web Services conference is the biggest gathering of the cloud community in the world. AWS products and features are the main attraction. Attendees can look forward to gaining insight into cloud strategies, operations, security, IT architecture and infrastructure, as well as developer productivity.


November 28 – December 1

Copenhagen, Denmark

ESPC22 (European SharePoint, Office 365, and Azure Conferences) provide first-rate Microsoft Learning that won’t break your wallet. No matter where you are in the world, you can catch it live or on-demand with over 100 sessions from a variety of experts who include Microsoft team members, independent industry leaders, most valuable professionals (MVPs), and remote desk service operators (RDs).

Quantum World Congress

November 29 – December 1

Washington, D.C.; USA

Of all the tech conferences out there, this is the first one to focus on quantum computing. Innovators, researchers, tech developers and experts will gather in this immersive environment in order to boost the significance of the quantum industry.

Enterprise AI Summit

November 29 & 30

Auckland, New Zealand

This summit will direct attention to the latest innovations in AI and how ML and DL can help to modify how businesses are run. Learn how AI-led automation implements ML and DL to provide business owners with sophisticated data.

5G Expo Global

December 1 & 2

Hybrid/London, UK

The 5G Expo wants to shine a spotlight on some of the most innovative technology currently in development. With over 200 exhibitors and 250 speakers sharing their knowledge and experience, attendees can look forward to learning valuable industry tips.

AI & Big Data Expo Global

December 1-2

Hybrid/London, UK

A number of guest speakers across different industries will elaborate on current advancements taking place in AI and big data. Next generation tech and strategies are placed front and center for you to learn how best to incorporate big data and AI with your business to help it grow successfully.

Cyber Security & Cloud Congress Global

Hybrid/London, UK

Cyber Security & Cloud Congress conference is the UK’s largest free cyber security event. Security professionals and CISOs will learn about AI innovation and developments on the current market, and how to work at solutions for the challenges they face.

Product-Led Summit|London

December 1 & 2

London, UK

A summit that endeavors to bring an expanding community of product-based professionals, product development experts and founders to listen and learn from some of the best business and industry leaders out there.

Cisco Live APJC

December 6-9

Melbourne, Australia

Every year, this event sets out to deliver the know-how, skills and networking options for Cisco solutions. Some of the highlights include keynotes from Cisco execs, technical breakout sessions and a program stacked with networking and certification possibilities and entertainment.

The AI Summit New York

December 7 & 8

Hybrid/New York City, USA

Do you want to rub shoulders with some of the big AI industry disruptors and creatives? The AI Summit in New York will update you on current trends in businesses that successfully implement AI into their model. Enhance your understanding of how best to integrate AI into your business needs in order to take your company to the next level.

Conferences we mentioned but already happened

Scala Con 2022

October 4


The masterminds that brought you Scala eXchange and Scala Days have come together to create Scala Con. If you’re looking to understand more about the operative programming languages used by such influential companies like Hootsuite, Netflix, Disney, Airbnb and Sony, then this is the virtual conference for you.

Berlin AI Summit

October 4 & 5

Berlin, Germany

This conference aims to assemble AI industry leaders to discuss and review the latest research and practical applications for AI, along with business implementation. Two tracks are available for attendees: the Enterprise AI Summit and the Deep Learning Summit. Speakers will highlight their expertise to deliver the latest news on industry trends. You will also have the opportunities for networking with like-minded professionals.

2022 St. Louis CIO Executive Leadership Summit

October 5

St. Louis, USA

Tech conferences like this HMG Strategy Executive Leadership Summit provide the best in thought leadership discussions. You can gain novel insight into the most effective practices and learn from true-life stories of success when it comes to leaderships, management, tech and career development.

Evolve Technology Conference

October 5

Las Vegas NV, USA

Top-notch IT leaders and innovators will share practical knowledge when it comes to influencing both the corporate and IT world. Be inspired to not only learn but to share, associate with others and have a little fun too.


October 6

Hybrid/Gdańsk, Poland

This is the largest CEE conference dedicated to emerging tech, startups and business with the option of attending virtually or in person. Come and increase your knowledge of business trends, digital marketing, tech innovations, Web 3.0 and Tech4Good.

North Star

October 10

Dubai, UAE

If you’re looking for a global tech conference that looks to disrupt the world of startups, North Star is where you should be. This event sets the path for success for those wanting to create a startup. They point the way for innovators in the technology industry to drive the future.


October 10

Dubai, UAE

The Middle East’s largest conference for business leaders in tech. This year’s event will gather movers and shakers and other technology leaders to debate and confront emerging ideas, exhibit the latest products and determine upcoming trends.

GlueX 2022

October 10

Miami, USA

You can attend immersive workshops that focus on developing your productivity and increasing profitability in the domain of tech innovation. Get involved in discussions with thought leaders and gain actionable insights to take your company to the next level.

RTE2022 — The Largest Real-Time Engagement Conference

October 10

Hybrid/San Francisco, USA

Attend this conference, powered by Agora, in real-time and get connected to the most groundbreaking tech, tools and people in the industry. Join savvy business leaders and tech experts online or in-person as they bring you up to date on the future of voice, video IoT, VR/AR, and human engagement.

Black Tech Fest

October 10-14

Hybrid/London, UK

Black Tech Fest puts a spotlight on building an inclusive technology industry. More than 5000 people will get together in London to consider how black innovators put the focus on the intersection of inclusivity and tech.

Google Cloud Next ’22

October 11

San Francisco, USA

Google Cloud Next 2022 provides over 200 sessions featuring a variety of keynote speakers, as well as Google executives, to keep you informed on the latest, updated cloud services. Diverse topics from applicable machine learning to service scale and digital maturity are covered at the event.


October 11 & 12

Hybrid/Austin TX, USA

With the goal of raising the quality of life with the use of technology, this two-day event merges stimulating technologists with groundbreaking businesses from around the world.

AI in Healthcare Summit

October 13 & 14

Boston, USA

There have been tremendous tech developments in AI and ML systems and tool which are shaking up and reforming the pharmaceutical, healthcare and diagnostics industries. Such developments involve image grouping, machine learning (ML), and speech and text recognition.

2022 Washington, D.C. CIO Executive Leadership Summit

October 13

Washington, USA

Thought leadership is the driving point at the HMG Strategy Executive Leadership Summit. Be a part of the discussion with industry experts who provide effective knowledge related to administration, tech and career progression and of course, leadership.

October 13 & 14

Virtual Conference

Customer engagement that results in successful business relationships is changing at breakneck speed. At this virtual event will help you take on any obstacles you encounter by developing strategic expertise.

MLCONF: Sharing Lessons Learned in Machine Learning Best Practices

October 17 & 18

New York, USA

Data science can be a complex field. MLCONF takes a deep dive into machine learning. algorithms, tools, and platforms used to work out any issues that come up when organizing and analyzing super large data sets. On October 14, specialists will host a virtual meeting.

Guiding CIOs and IT Executives to Accelerate Digital Business

October 17-20

Boston, USA

In this version of the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo™ 2022 conference, you will examine ambitious enterprise technology with its insights and best practices currently influencing future trends in IT and business. Wanting to learn how to implement IT strategies on key initiatives? Then grab your ticket for this Gartner digital workplace summit.

SOPRA Banking Summit 2022

October 17-21


Global banking is changing fast. The SOPRA Banking Summit sets out to address this by offering market leaders a platform to discuss and find solutions to sustainable growth. Listen to industry experts and executives from banking, finances and fintech as they impart what they know to help anticipate the future of banking and finance.

Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo™ 2022

This is one of those top tech events where innovations in technology and business strategy meet visionary leadership. The opportunity for both a formal and informal networking experience allows you to interact with Chief Information Officers (CIOs) from various industries and regions. Gartner experts and industry leaders deliver inspiring keynotes and captivating sessions.

Coalesce 2022 by dbt Labs

Hybrid/New Orleans, USA

This year’s conference aims to develop the method of analytics engineering. At Coalesce, data professionals can enhance their knowledge and widen their networking pool.

Oracle CloudWorld 2022

October 17-20

Las Vegas NV, USA

Would you like to find out more about cloud infrastructure and applications solutions that fit in with your one-of-a-kind professional demands and business requirements? Oracle’s CloudWord is the up-and-coming international conference you need to get to. Clients and partners can exchange ideas and sharpen their much-needed skills. You’ll not only have access to demos for never-before-seen products, but Oracle experts will provide interactive training and certification sessions.

BCI Summit: Corporate Innovation

BCI Summit is a private event created for enterprise data leaders, innovation heads, CVCs and principal technology founders. Attention is given to enterprise data’s top ten challenges and game-changing solutions are reviewed and finalized.

The BFUTR Global Tech Summit

October 19-20

Toronto, Canada

This is North America’s biggest and Black tech summit—over 20,000 savvy Black technologists get together for three days to network and form a complete community of Black executives and supporters dedicated to a global content metamorphosis.

iNNOVATE Tech Show

October 19-21

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

If you’re looking to find out the current trends on AI, drones, digital health, food tech, fintech, robotics and more, check out the event that draws trailblazers and thought leaders—the iNNOVATE Tech Show. The stage is set for Asian brands to exhibit and launch new products and market themselves.

AI Accelerator Summit|Boston

October 20

Boston, USA

AI Accelerator Summit is busy with their AI Hardware Tour which draws industry leaders in AI hardware and architecture from the biggest companies across the globe, along with Boston’s most intriguing AI Chip startups. You’ll get the opportunity to hear about their success stories, experiences and professional struggles.


October 20


Find out more about the various possibilities in the realm of no-code and automation with virtual events like Zapier’s one-day conference which takes place entirely online.

Computer Vision Summit

October 20

Boston, USA

Big name companies and electrifying startups are sharing their tech experts with the aim of revealing what they know when it comes to designing, installing and scaling cutting-edge vision technologies. Their objective is to establish substantial business value.

Money 20/20

October 23-26

Las Vegas, USA

During the past year, Money 20/20 boasted more than 8000 attendees from 2,800 companies and this year, they plan to continue the ‘biggest conversation in fintech’ featuring standout industry names. Global leaders in fintech and financial services come together to deliver opportunities for networking and learning what lies in store for the fintech landscape.

CXL Live

October 25 & 26

Possibly the most globally recognized CRO event. CXL Live features a new addition to the lineup—B2B growth. It’s not just about keynotes, the spotlight is on networking and building solid professional relationships. Event organizers will facilitate mini-group discussions so the relevant people can get the most out of the networking event.

Singapore Week of Innovation and Technology (SWITCH) 2022

October 25-28


The startup-centric government agency, Enterprise Singapore, is the driving force behind this flagship event to be held at the Resorts World Convention Centre in Singapore. Global industry leaders, investors and other movers and shakers will hold a variety of in-person and online events.

BMC Exchange 2022


October 25 & 26


A quick review of what BMC Exchange had to offer in 2021 reveals an event where you can customize the format in order to select and organize career-specific content by choosing appropriate tracks and sessions. Current technology issues were addressed by means of keynotes and sessions drawn from particular case studies.

Elevate 2022

October 27

Hybrid/New York, USA

A three-day event organized and held online by industry experts wanting to create change and renovate the world and the workplace. Gain a better understanding of how to manage change in an unpredictable 21st century.

The DEVOPS Conference

November 1

Hybrid/Copenhagen, Denmark

Everyone in the DevOps community, from executives and managers to engineers and programmers is at the DEVOPS conference. Using real-life situations, you’ll find out how good decision-making and tools provide DevOps customers with a top-quality experience.

Web Summit 2022

November 1-4

Lisbon, Portugal

Founders and CEOs of tech firms, startups, policymakers, and heads of state gather in Portugal at what is considered one of the world’s top tech events, Web Summit, to talk about the current state of technology and where new technologies are leading us.

Customer Success Festival Sydney

November 3 & 4

Sydney, Australia

Prominent experts from companies taking the lead in practical CS strategy gather at the Customer Success Festival for networking opportunities and to share ideas that will boost your confidence.

AI Summit Silicon Valley 2022

November 3

San Francisco, USA

You can find some of the most significant digital stakeholders from an array of companies at the AI Summit in Silicon Valley. Get a chance to talk with these leaders and learn more about the world of artificial intelligence.

TestJS Summit

November 3 & 4


Are you a QA or software developer wanting to update your best practices for JavaScript testing and enhance your skills? TestJS Summit will do just that and more, including updating you with what’s new from premium products core teams.

Africa Tech Festival 2022

November 8-10

Cape Town, South Africa

Africa is experiencing a renaissance in digital transformation and the Africa Tech Festival facilitating the conversation and debate with decision makers. The launch of 5G connectivity will be one of the highlights at the 2022 event.

2022 Denver CIO Executive Leadership Summit

November 8

Denver CO, USA

HMG Strategy Executive Leadership Summits take place from New York to San Diego and this time Denver, Colorado will host this quality summit where networking and best practices are paramount to creating strong leadership, quality management and innovative development in both tech and in your career.

Zoomtopia 2022

November 8 & 9

San Jose CA, USA

Customers, partners, analysts and IT professionals wanting to learn more about this well-known videoconferencing software should check out this hybrid event.

Build Stuff 2022

November 9-11

Hybrid/Vilnius, Lithuania

This software development conference was set up with software designers, web developers, founders and academics in mind. “The Future Beckons Us Home” is the theme for the 2022 event.

MLOps Summit

November 9 & 10

London, UK

You are provided with the opportunity to further develop your expertise with your machine learning workflow. Trailblazing companies will lead the way in helping you establish best practices and solutions with the objective of gaining a basic insight into MLOps and its various functions.

AIBC Summit

November 14-18


AIBC Summit’s flagship event is bringing 4 key industries together under one roof: iGaming, MedTech, Web3, and Affiliation.

Software Architecture Gathering

November 14-17


If you’re a software architect, then this is the preeminent conference you should be at. Some of the top players in the industry will be lending their technical expertise to developers, professionals in quality assurance and system analysts. You’ll also learn to refine your solution structures in your IT tasks.

PASS Data Community Summit 2022

November 15-18

Seattle, WA; USA

In 2022, PASS is all about reunions. Previous acquaintances will reconnect, and new relationships will develop, along with the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s best in the data platform community. Attend the event either online or in person.

Up Your Game with Practical Tech Conferences

Attending one of the above-mentioned conferences will surely deepen your knowledge when it comes to the most current developments and innovations in technology, no matter if you’re a CEO, IT professional or someone working in the tech industry.

Take your time to read up on the variety of tech conferences out there and pick the ones that will help you to enhance your skills and reach your career goals. Want to take your business to the next level or looking for inspiration to get going with your startup? Then buy a ticket for one of these fantastic tech events!

If you enjoyed reading this article about tech conferences, you should check out this one with event WordPress themes.

We also wrote about a few related subjects like setting up a WooCommerce events calendar, event planning tips, marketing strategies for ticket sales maximization, hybrid event ideas, and event management skills.

Not only that, but we also created articles about virtual event ideas, virtual event statistics, how to get sponsors for an event, and the most-watched sporting event.

There are many advantages to remote working, but there are also challenges. One of the most important ones is staying in touch with coworkers. Many organizations have set up periodic video call sessions, group chat services, and similar things. These social initiatives don’t always enjoy the employees’ interest. Slack groups may enjoy success for some time but then lose momentum. (more…)

Virtual events have been groundbreaking in many industries, but the truth is they can be stressful. There are many moving factors, such as marketing, branding, and ticket sales, which can often put people off of virtual events entirely. Is there any solution to the stress of planning a virtual event? Yes: making a virtual events checklist.

Having a virtual events checklist is the best way to stay focused and balanced whenever you develop, design, and host your virtual event.

But how can you follow a checklist without knowing what the checklist should include? Here we will go through the necessary steps when creating a virtual events checklist so that you can continue planning a successful virtual event.

Virtual Events Checklist: Before the Event

Know Your Event Purpose

The purpose of your event depends on whom your event is for, and what you want to achieve with that audience.

This does not necessarily need to be unique; often companies strive to get leads, keep their audience engaged, work on team member performance, launch products, or promote their company brand.

When creating your virtual event, first have a purpose in mind to strive for, and you will be much more likely to achieve that purpose.

Develop a Virtual Event Concept

All events start with an initial concept, and it’s no different when planning a virtual event.

Having a starting concept will help you make better decisions, especially if you are new to being an event planner. Start with the idea, and then rummage around finding more ideas from that starting point. This is where your creativity can shine and make your event stand out.

Understand and Define Your Target Audience

To make an effective virtual event, you will need to understand your audience and what they want.

For this, you will have to develop attendee personas (or profiles) of your ideal audience. When creating these personas, make sure to include all usable information such as age, location, industry, and management role.

Define Your Success Criteria

What do you want to happen in your virtual event? Do you want many people to attend? Do you want people to visit your sponsor booths? No matter how you define a successful virtual event, you need to have your success in mind to be able to work towards that goal.

Identify Team and Contractor Roles

To run any effective event, you need to find the right talent for each job. This is what project managers call “identifying your resources.”

Whenever you begin planning an event, you need to have a list of team members (or potential contractors) that will oversee individual aspects of the event. Find your dream team that can get the job done right.

Create the Virtual Event Budget

This may seem obvious—of course, you need a budget—but it isn’t quite that simple. Virtual events provide many options that can turn a normal event budget on its head. Need to spend money on a location? Not on an online event. Need to spend money on decorations?

Only the price of the computer application. Need to spend money on travel fees? You can travel to Bangkok from Canada in a second online. As you can see, making a virtual event budget is very different than for an in-person event.

Define the Event Format

When starting to create your event, you need to decide which event format (for example, trade show, seminar, webinar, class) makes the most sense for you. Using that information will help you decide on a pricing range, as well as help you decide which contractors you will want to use.

When considering the event style, make sure that you have ways to maintain attendee engagement. Will your event offer breakout sessions? Waiting rooms? Chat functions? Whatever you do, make sure that your event attendees will stay engaged during your event.

Determine Your AV/Production and Technology Needs

Be ready to take in all technical considerations before the event.

This can range from recording sessions, to how the replay of the event will be distributed, and how event attendees will be able to enter the session.

All of these decisions should be well thought out beforehand to lower stress on the day of the virtual event.

Pick a Date and Decide the Length

Depending on your audience and the event’s goals, your event date and time may change from business to business. As an example, a nonprofit fundraiser would normally not be held during work hours, and a virtual event would probably format their business in the same way.

On the other hand, corporate events are most often held midweek. Frequently they are held on Wednesdays and sometimes on Tuesdays.

Choose a Virtual Event Platform

Whenever you want to choose a new virtual event platform, think about how well it integrates with other programs that your company uses. Also, think about whether the virtual platform will catch event attendees’ attention.

Consider Recording Sessions

If your company has a worldwide audience, then consider accommodating different time zones. If you make your recorded sessions open to the public, then this entire part of your audience will be able to attend afterward, which is always nice.

This is easily one of the most important elements of this virtual event planning checklist. Many event attendees often ask for recordings after the event, which further increases your brand recognition.

Plan Social Interaction Activities

Having a specific plan for social interaction and gamification at your event is even more important when you want to go virtual.

Often with in-person events, it can be easy to connect participants, but that is not the case with virtual events. With virtual events, you need to create ideas for your virtual attendees to be able to interact with each other.

Find Speakers

As one of the most important parts of any event, speakers are the main way that you can interact with your audience.

This means that you will need to find speakers that can share both your values and the values of your sponsors and attendees. Try to find expert speakers with unique insights and ideas about associated topics.

Reach Out to Sponsors

At this point, you should begin searching for potential sponsors and start creating sponsorship packages. Make sure to keep an open mind toward their suggestions and requests.

Remember, sponsors can be a great way to create revenue from your event, so try to find companies that align with your current brand.

Sell more event tickets with the right tool for the job

Staying organized has never been easier.

You can now manage your business and grow your brand with a single, powerful WordPress booking plugin that keeps all of your appointments or event bookings in line, your clients organized and your business booming.

Amelia is an event plugin for WordPress that is perfect for business owners who need to streamline their booking experience both for their staff and their clients.

Amelia handles everything for you, even sending automated email or SMS reminders to your clients. No-shows? Not anymore!

The Amelia WordPress booking plugin adapts to different industries for a blissful online booking experience and employee management.

Want to know more? Check out Amelia’s awesome features to see what you are missing.

Promote Your Virtual Event

Start letting the world know about your event. There are many marketing strategies such as announcing it on your team’s social media platforms and your website.

You can also talk to your speakers and sponsors and get them to announce it on their social media platforms. Consider doing this in the form of a hashtag, which can help give your event a sort of cohesion.

You can also create a simple website for your event. In it, you can give potential attendees information about pricing and where they can find tickets.

Create Your Event Script

Write down everything. Write what will happen in your event, when each part will happen, and who will be in charge of it. This can be done easily in Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel, or whatever you can use to coordinate with your team.

Create a Participant Guide

Participants will often need some help to be able to get the most out of unfamiliar event platforms. Often, event platforms already have online guides, but if not, make your own.

You can create many different styles of guides depending on your event. If you have games or a theme, the guide can follow that theme. You can also include ways to interact online with others, or list multiple sessions that will come in the future.

Set up Communication Channels for Your Team

In the ideal situation, you should limit yourself to one channel to ensure that important details or messages won’t be missed, especially during the event. A couple of good options are Slack, Whatsapp, Microsoft teams, Discord, or a private space on the event platform. Whatever works for you.

Plan Networking Opportunities

Networking is the heart of an event, and more so for a virtual event. A huge part of your virtual event should be creating networking opportunities. These can come in the form of breakout sessions, chat rooms, and ice-breaking activities. Anything that improves your networking improves your virtual event.

Virtual Events Checklist: During the Event

Post Event Reminders

Posting event reminders more and more often as you get closer to the event can greatly help improve attendance. When you get to the week of, daily reminders may be appropriate.

Get the Conversation Going

Depending on the event platform that you chose, you will have many tools that can help create a fun and open environment.

You can encourage audience engagement using Q&A tools or answering questions in a chat. If you have the option, you can even opt into one-on-one appointments.

Organize Attendees in Pairs or Small Groups for a More Interactive Experience

Having attendees in smaller groups can help encourage audience engagement. If attendees can respond or take action every five to seven minutes, that’s the sweet spot.

Harvard Business Review studies report that a five-minute rule is the most effective at keeping attendees engaged instead of observers.

Prepare for and React to Any Disruption

In case of technical problems or disruptive people, have multiple backup plans ready. This can range from moderating content to having technical support staff online and ready to help.

When you can’t prevent a disruption, be ready to stop one.

Capture Attendee Data

Using audience data can help you improve future virtual events and help you understand your clients better.

In general, the useful information will come from links clicked, attendance numbers, period of time attended, and videos played, as a few examples.

Stream Your Event as It Happens

Many event platforms have premade streaming options. You can choose to broadcast your virtual event on extra social media platforms to collect more usable information for future events.

You can even share the information with speakers mid-event, which can come in handy.

Virtual Events Checklist: After the Event

Send Attendee Surveys

Send a feedback survey to confirm what attendees liked and what they didn’t like. Then you can use that information to interact with your audience better in your next virtual event.

Also, make sure that your surveys are short and sweet. If a survey is too long, often people won’t stay till the end of it.

Communicate With Your Audience

Thank your audience for their attendance. You can do this by sending an email or by using social media platforms.

Try to send a message soon after the event, while it is still fresh on their minds. You can also include a feedback survey and information on where they can access the event recording.

Analyze Your Data

Review the data that you gathered during and after your event. This data can help you better understand which areas you succeeded in and which areas you can improve on. Then, with that information, you can begin to work on making an even more successful event.

Balance the Budget

Now that you have paid everyone, compare your planned budget with the result of the event.

At this point, you can calculate the ROI (return on investment) and consider direct revenue, attributed revenue, connected sales pipeline, all branding benefits, knowledge exchange, and all the other important information regarding your event.

Share Information About Your Event

The last step of this virtual events checklist: Use all of the photos, videos, and articles from the event.

You can post these on your social media to engage your audience and provide more exposure for future attendees. You can even use these pieces of past events for a future virtual conference or event.

If you enjoyed reading this article on using a virtual events checklist, you should check out this one with virtual event survey questions.

We also wrote about similar topics like adding a virtual events calendar to your site, virtual event best practices, alternatives to the Divi Events calendar, event WordPress themes, and the types of virtual events you can organize.